Bendaggi monouso drenanti Staminalis con Caffeina e Carnitina per ridurre cellulite e adipe
Trattamento corpo Staminalis con bendaggi drenanti alla Caffeina e Carnitina per un effetto snellente
Bendaggi monouso drenanti Staminalis con Caffeina e Carnitina per cellulite e adipe
Bendaggi monouso drenanti Staminalis con Caffeina e Carnitina per ridurre cellulite e adipe
Trattamento corpo Staminalis con bendaggi drenanti alla Caffeina e Carnitina per un effetto snellente


Regular price €21,60

Very soft ready-to-use bandages, soaked in precious gel enriched with Carnitine, Caffeine and Guarana, ideal for combating blemishes caused by fat, cellulite and water retention. From the very first treatments, the skin will be softer and more malleable, the unpleasant sensation of pain to the touch will disappear, you will experience a widespread sensation of well-being and lighter legs.

Envelope with 2 disposable bandages 10 cm x 10 m


Carnitine: Carnitine is a molecule known for its properties to promote the reduction of body fat and the development of lean body mass. Due to these peculiarities, it has long been widely used in the field of food supplements; of recent acquisition however is its use in the cosmetic field as an active ingredient effective in treating cellulite blemishes. A particular complex is used in our products in which the carnitine molecule is conjugated with an ester of linoleic acid. This chemical form has the characteristic of being more bioavailable and consequently more effective in counteracting cellulite blemishes as demonstrated by tests carried out on volunteers.


Caffeine: caffeine is an active ingredient currently used in reducing creams and for treatments against cellulite blemishes. This is thanks to its lipolytic properties, which trigger a mechanism of fragmentation of the fats contained in the fat cells, degrading them. Furthermore, it is included in reducing products as by stimulating skin microcirculation, it helps to eliminate excess liquids making the skin more compact. It therefore follows a decrease in the thickness of the orange peel tissue, of the pads and fat deposits, and skin toning.


Guarana: climbing plant native to the Amazon whose seeds are used. It is one of the few plants together with coffee, tea and cola that contains caffeine. It is used in cosmetics thanks to its lipolytic activity essentially due to the high caffeine content present in the seeds.


fight blemishes caused by fat, cellulite and water retention.

the skin is soft and more treatable from the first session. A widespread sensation of well-being will be felt with a decrease in the sensation of pain to the touch, the legs will be lighter and the color more homogeneous. The bandages performed at least twice a week for a minimum of three weeks consistently, lead to an appreciable decrease in water retention, an improvement in the general appearance and optimal hydration.

apply starting from the ankle/foot up to the inner thigh, then wear cartene shorts, it is not mandatory but recommended to avoid getting dirty. The bandages can also be applied to the abdomen by cutting the bandages to size if necessary. Exposure time at least 30 minutes. Remove and discard the bandages, finally we recommend proceeding with the application of the Staminalis Reducing Anti-cellulite cream.